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An Introduction to The Pearl & Pepper

Updated: Dec 30, 2018

We warmly welcome you to The Pearl and Pepper and thank you for POPping by.  The Pearl and Pepper is an online blog created by two best friends who are excited to inspire you to look beyond life's simple hues of black and white that represent the humdrum of our daily routines and responsibilities, and endeavor to consciously infuse the beautiful colors all around us into your days as a reminder that life is truly vibrant. Each month our blog will center upon one color that will inspire us (and you!) and feature color-themed beauty, cooking, wellness, insight and editorial, and travel. 

Who are we?  Two ladies who met nearly twenty years ago as girls while attending the University of California, Santa Barbara.  Our friendship has endured, matured, flourished, and deepened over time as we have traversed life's twists and turns together through travel adventures, dating, weddings, shopping sprees, birthdays, milestones, successes, setbacks, loss, and love.  We are two very different people who sometimes find ourselves on the opposite ends of life's spectrums.  Other times we gloriously find each other in exactly the same place and when we do, it is a beautiful POP of color that sustains a lifelong friendship. 

Pearl is exactly who you think of when you remember your mother's string of pearls.  Creamy white, polished, strong, understated yet striking, a hallmark of tradition, and inspired by a classic aesthetic.  And Pepper is, like her flavorful counterpart, a person who embodies the spice of life!  A bold woman of color who is spontaneous, fun, creative, always on the cutting edge of trends, and one who always brings a cheerful joie de vivre everywhere she goes. 

Pearl lives in the peaceful foothills of a family-oriented, suburban town in central California and spends her days as the lead attorney for a multi-million dollar organization.  In her downtime, Pearl steps away from the rigidity of advocacy, briefs, and meetings and recharges while cooking and baking for her husband, relaxing while flower gardening, writing, traveling near and far, reading and hosting her book club, catching up on Pepper's latest Netflix recommendations, making floral arrangements, and researching wellness, design, and culture. 

Pepper hails from the big city of Seattle, Washington having been born in LA and living and working in fast-paced locations such as London and San Francisco.  She now spends her days as a marketing executive for Seattle's very own world-wide coffee corporation (yes, that one!) and in her evenings and weekends she takes advantage of everything her urban locale has to offer.  An avid trend-watcher, traveler, shopper, restaurant lover, and single girl about town, Pepper is always on pace with what is happening and up to try just about anything! 


Why "The Pearl and Pepper"?  Some years ago we had the extraordinary opportunity to live together in London for many months, and we frequented many pubs.  London's pubs have the most creative names, and THE Pearl and Pepper is a nod to our experience together and those charming establishments with the silly names (here's looking at you The Goat in Boots!) where we shared Pimms Cups and pints of cider while scoping out the guys and talking about our life's dreams and goals as only two young, colorful girls can do.

Why the poppy as our logo? Not only are poppies beautiful flowers, but the poppy is the state flower of California. Our roots run deep in the golden state. Poppy petals can be nearly any color, from white to grey, green, orange, blue, purple, pink, yellow and everything in between. Just like life, the colors of the poppy are infinite. Poppies are a symbol of peace, and the poppy seed looks exactly like a peppercorn!

We hope you enjoy our submissions as much as we enjoy creating them!


Pearl & Pepper 


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